Whole Lot of Love | Los Angeles Child Photographer

June 26, 2012

Toddlers observe everything as though they are viewing something for the first time.  Photographing toddlers is a similar experience (for the photographer).  It doesn’t matter how great you are or what your vision may be for the shoot, you have to throw all of that to the wind – just watch and observe as they discover, play, and interact with those around them.  It is a fascinating age, somewhere between baby and child.  They still have their adorable baby pudginess, but at times, depending on the way they stand or act, you can see the child they are growing into.

When I walked into my session on Sunday, I knew all I would do was observe.  Watching this loving family interact together was an absolute treat.  Little R’s parents welcomed me into their home with open arms.  And because of that, I was able to easily capture the love and joy that exists within this family.

Below are a few of my favorites from the shoot…

Happy Father's Day | Los Angeles Child Photographer

June 17, 2012

I am one of the lucky ones.  My father has always been there for me, and he is a large reason I am who I am.  He is the reason I always push my chair in with my meals, I sit up straight,  I have a very strong hand shake, and most importantly, he is the reason why I hold such a strong respect for myself as well as others.  My father always nutured me as a photographer.  When I was thirteen, I received my first SLR, a Minolta X700, and my first flash, a Sunpak (that I still use today).  I vividly remember sitting on the floor of my parent’s bedroom next to the huge maroon leather chair as I opened up my camera and supplies.

Throughout high school, my father and I would take a trip during Spring Break.  After each trip I would hand him between 10 – 15 rolls to develop and he never questioned why I took so many pictures.  Well he may have questioned it, but he always got everything processed for me.  🙂

My father has always supported me in all of my endeavors, even those he never fully understood.

I am a very lucky daughter.

Happy Father’s Day!

My Father & Me (1981)

Happy Birthday, Baby Q!

June 4, 2012

Earlier this Spring, I was invited to baby Q’s first birthday.  I can hardly believe it has been a year since I first photographed her.  She is such a happy little love.  🙂


Birthday Boy! | Los Angeles Child Photographer

May 31, 2012


Lena turns 5!!! | Los Angeles Child Photographer

May 29, 2012

Little Lena was the very first newborn I ever photographed.  I met her when she was ten days old.  The day I met her was the day I realized just how much I enjoy photographing little ones.  Her older sister and a friend were running around the house with tofuti cuties all over their face and wearing sunglasses.  🙂

Earlier this year, Lena turned 5.  I still can’t believe she is on her way to Kindergarten in the Fall!

Expanding Family | Los Angeles Child Photographer

October 5, 2011

I fell in love with Sophia the first time I met her back in 2009 during an instore promotion with Janie and Jack.  I secretly hoped her parents would contact me again.  🙂  A few months later, I was asked to photograph Sophia’s first birthday.  It was a beautiful day after a long week of non-stop rain.  Since our first meeting I have become good friends with her parents.  Every session is fun and carefree.  Sophia has a very strong will, and it is a pleasure to watch her grow into it.

A few months ago, Kristine mentioned they were expecting another child.  It was a delight to have the chance to photograph her family again.  It is a good thing we had the session when we did, because their little one arrived three weeks early (less than a week after our session)!

I cannot wait to meet her!

In the meantime, here are a few favorites from our maternity session.


Tales & Toys Mini-Sessions | El Segundo Child Photographer

August 31, 2011

It’s that time of year again!  I am excited to announce that I will be partnering with Tales & Toys for a day of Mini-Sessions.  Tales & Toys is a wonderful kids store now located at 125 A Richmond St. El Segundo, CA.

Here are the details on how to qualify for one of the sessions…



Last weekend, Tales & Toys had their grand re-opening party.  I stopped by to say hi and to grab a couple of photos.

Now that Tales & Toys has a big space in the back, I know they are now offering classes and events.  Check out their Facebook Page for more information.