Whole Lot of Love | Los Angeles Child Photographer

June 26, 2012

Toddlers observe everything as though they are viewing something for the first time.  Photographing toddlers is a similar experience (for the photographer).  It doesn’t matter how great you are or what your vision may be for the shoot, you have to throw all of that to the wind – just watch and observe as they discover, play, and interact with those around them.  It is a fascinating age, somewhere between baby and child.  They still have their adorable baby pudginess, but at times, depending on the way they stand or act, you can see the child they are growing into.

When I walked into my session on Sunday, I knew all I would do was observe.  Watching this loving family interact together was an absolute treat.  Little R’s parents welcomed me into their home with open arms.  And because of that, I was able to easily capture the love and joy that exists within this family.

Below are a few of my favorites from the shoot…


  • Debra · Posted June 27, 2012 at 12:39 pm · Link

    Wow! These are incredible! Brad is my brother and Roxy is my niece, and you captured them all exactly as they are. I lvoe the photo where Roxy is looking straight at the camera, actually love them all~!

  • Nedra Katz · Posted June 27, 2012 at 12:59 pm · Link

    As Brad’s Mom and Roxy ‘s Grandma, I couln’t be more impressed or delighted by these artfully done photos. They are superb. What a beautiful family!

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